Thursday, 16 December 2010

you go, I go, Logo.

   It's been a damn while. I blame getting a job and November was not a fun month. It seems that being on the dole was more cost effective at the time. Adam Campbell is lovely man. Enough said. Well there is one more thing, the man does have some crazy ass illustration skills. He also owns a blog which can be viewed at Plug over.

   I missed the book fair which was pretty sad times. I am still working on the book which is now under the working title of "Trauma". I'm taking my sweet time with it as I want it to be pretty amazing and I am also going to be teaching art classes for a charity. Busy busy busy.

    I have decided to do something that all illustrators should steer clear of and that is graphic design. My friends band needed some type of logo so I smashed this out over the last two days. This is the first draft so expect some changes. As first attempts go I would say I'm pretty happy with this one.